Current W-E Employees


Current W-E Employees

Willoughby-Eastlake Staff Suggestions Link

Click HERE for the Willoughby-Eastlake Staff Suggestions Link (must be logged into your account).

DCW Benefits Group Information

W-E Employee WELLNESS Clinic

We are pleased to announce that the Willoughby-Eastlake Schools WE-llness Clinic has partnered with the Mentor Schools Cardinal Clinic to offer clinic hours MONDAY through FRIDAY! Both clinics are operated by Lake Health and are open to W-E employees and immediate family members! Click W-E Wellness Clinic Flyer.pdf for clinic locations, hours and phone numbers.

Need a Van License?

Please review Willoughby-Eastlake's step-by-step Van Flow Chart. Information on initial certification, recertification, and many pre-employment requirements for drivers of school vans may be reviewed here. Packets can also be picked up at the Board of Education, Human Resources Office.   

Department Staff

Marisa Detlev
HR Administrative Assistant, Certified
Maureen Wagner
HR Administrative Assistant, Classified


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