The number of students with special health care needs in the educational setting is increasing due to advances in medicine and increased access to public education. Furthermore, some chronic conditions have a potential for developing into a medical emergency and may necessitate immediate care during the school day.
The school nurse is responsible for assessing the student’s health status; identifying health problems that may create a barrier to educational progress, safety or well being; and developing a health care plan for management of the problem in the school setting. Children who may need a Health Care Plan during the school day may include, but not be limited to, those children with the following health conditions: severe insect sting allergy, severe food allergy, asthma, diabetes, seizures, or other chronic health conditions. Those students requiring assistance with activities of daily living or daily functioning may also require a Health Care Plan.
The school nurse will develop the Plan with input from the parent, school staff, and professional health care provider. The Plan may be updated as appropriate and revised when significant changes occur in the student’s health status. Health Care Plans must be revised annually.
Please contact your school nurse for further information.