Electronic Device Policy


Electronic Device Policy

Electronic Device Policy

All electronic devices (including cell phones), need to be locked in a student's assigned locker before 1° begins at 8:30 AM.

Board Policy 5136 states, "Students in the middle schools may only use PCDs [personal communication devices] when directed by a teacher to do so for educational purposes in that particular classroom. Otherwise, all PCDs must be powered off and stored in a locker."

Since we are now a 1:1 school district and all students have a district-issued device, there will be no reason to need cell phones for educational purposes.

Devices (other than a district-issued Chromebook) being used during the school day will be confiscated by a staff member and sent to the main office in an envelope until the end of the school day.

Parents/Guardians are advised that the best way to get in touch with their student during the school day is by calling the school office.

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