Leaf Information

LEAF (Lake Educational Assistance Foundation) is a free service that is provided to all Senior Families to help navigate:

Applying for FAFSA & CSS Profile, College Application Assistance, Scholarship Search, Handling the Financial Demands of Post Secondary Education, Etc.

You can meet with our Advisor as many times as needed to answer questions or help complete any necessary steps to achieve your future plan. There is a LEAF clipboard to sign up for an appointment; this is located in the Guidance Office. Students can sign up for an appointment in the guidance office or by emailing [email protected]  Parents can email [email protected] or call Mrs. Coreno who can assist in setting up appointments at: 440-975-3651. Parents are always welcome to attend any meetings!

South High LEAF Advisor:

South High LEAF Advisor:
Sarah Treen
Mrs. Treen meets with students at South on Wednesdays from 9-2.
Sign up sheet available in the Guidance Department

Available by appointment- (best to email her directly)

Important LEAF Documents

LEAF Information

24-25 Senior LEAFlet.pdf 


Attend a Group Session at our LEAF Resource Center! Check them out at https://leaf-ohio.org/resource-center-sessions/ 

To view a video about how to create the FSA ID (which has replaced PINs), view the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4uhh0gaJ9w

View text-based website