The following is a summary of Bylaw 4-9 as it applies to Eastlake Middle School:
1. Recruiting 4-9- 1: Coaches at either Willoughby South or Eastlake North are NOT
permitted to speak with 7th and 8th grade students at Eastlake Middle School. The reason is
because Eastlake’s entire student body is not assigned to one particular high school…the
way the bylaw currently reads; it is a recruiting violation for any Willoughby South or
Eastlake North coach to speak to a student-athlete at Eastlake Middle.
2. Youth/Middle School Nights 4-9- 3 #7: You may extend an invitation to the entire team
and parents to attend a game, provided it is cleared ahead of time by the building
administration. There can be no contact with any of your coaches… students cannot be
on the sideline, in the locker room, included in pre or post game meals, etc.
3. 6th Graders: The recruiting bylaw speaks to a student being a prospective athlete after
enrolling in the 7 th grade. The OHSAA does not govern the activities of 6th graders, thus it
is permissible to contact, speak with and engage 6th graders without it being a violation
of the recruiting bylaw. This would be for 6th graders and those below 6 th grade only.
4. Willoughby Middle and Willowick Middle: To clarify, Willoughby South can communicate
with Willoughby Middle and Eastlake North can with Willowick Middle.
5. Eastlake Middle: Any sports information from Willoughby South or Eastlake North shall
be given to the Eastlake Middle Athletic Director to be passed along to any inquiring 7th
and 8th grade student-athletes.
6. Written Acceptance Notification: (Course Selection Sheet) High School Coaches may
have contact with prospective student-athletes from EMS after their Course Selection
Sheet, which indicates the high school of attendance, is signed by both the parent and
the student and submitted to the Eastlake guidance department. This usually occurs in
the 3rd grading period. High School Coaches need to check with their Athletic
Department as to the date it is permissible and the students that may be contacted.
7. Mass Marketing - Bylaw 4-9- 3 #1: Mass marketing, though a form of recruiting
students, may be permitted under this bylaw by any and all member high schools
provided the mass marketing complies with the following forms: 1. Must Involve the
entire high school program and all of its elements and shall not be solely or primarily for
the school’s athletic program or programs.
Additional Information: Open Gyms/Lifting/Conditioning is permissible for attendance and is
non-mandatory. Coaches may provide oversight to these activities so long as no coaching and
instruction of sports techniques and skills is provided and does not occur during a designated
no-contact period.
If any time you think that there might be a violation of any of these rules and bylaws, please
contact one of the Athletic Directors at either high school:
Willoughby South: Jim Mormino x3631 or Eastlake North: Dennis Reilly x3677