Dress Code


Dress Code

Willoughby Eastlake City Schools
Dress Code

Students are required to dress in a manner that is safe, modest, and appropriate for their class or activity. Students should not dress in a manner that disrupts the learning environment. No policies or rules shall deprive any person of civil rights, enforce a particular code of morality, or espouse religious tenets. There must be a clear showing of a reasonable connection between any specific dress/grooming prohibition and negative effect on the student or the educational process. This Policy and Regulations shall be reviewed annually by the Superintendent or his/her designee, and recommended changes submitted to the Board for approval prior to implementation. 

The following attire is PROHIBITED during any school sponsored activities.
a. Over-sized, spandex, or extremely tight-fitting clothing. NO SAGGING PANTS. 7 
b. See-through clothing or material that reveals undergarments. 
c. Bare midriff, “crop tops”, halter tops, tank tops, tops with spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, and low-cut, revealing tops (no cleavage can be seen). 
d. Undergarments worn on the outside of clothing. 
e. Pajamas - either tops or bottoms. 
f. Garments with inappropriate language, violence, pictures, or suggestive references, including those relating to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or sex. 
g. Any dress that causes or is likely to cause a hostile, intimidating, degrading, offensive, harassing, or discriminatory environment.
h. Cleats, slippers, flip-flops, footwear which damages school floors, or stiletto heels; sandals must have back straps. 
i. Spiked jewelry or chains. 
j. Coats, jackets, and gloves should not be worn in school. 
k. Hats and caps must be removed when entering building; hoods on sweatshirts may NOT be worn covering head. 

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