


Senior News

Washington DC

Senior Class Trip-Washington D.C.

2025 Washington, D.C. tour including Gettysburg
Tour dates:  Thursday, April 3 - Saturday, April 5, 2025 

The Senior trip is a 3 day event where students will have the opportunity to visit our nation's capital and other historical settings with their friends.  Two buses have been reserved for this trip.  All seniors in good standing are welcome and encouraged to participate.  Due to only having two buses reserved for this event we will have to have a first come first serve process. Being such, starting February 18th @ 7am Mr. Hertrick will begin collecting a $250 non-refundable deposit to reserve your place on the trip.  Mr. Hertrick will start the registration process in the PAC lobby at 7am - 7:40am.  After which you may register for the trip in his office.  

The trip will be limited to two buses.  Below is the cost breakdown for the number of riders on a bus.  Once the first bus is filled, a wait list will be created until we reach enough passengers for a second bus. Note: Scenario 1: if 59 students register for the trip on 2/18 - .  Student 1 -48 have a guaranteed spot on bus 1.  Student 49 - 59 are on a wait list.  (If at the end of our registration period they did not get a seat they would be refunded their deposit)  Scenario 2: After the registration period we have a total of 82 students.  All would be going on the trip.  Those 82 students would be divided into 2 buses.

Trip Cost:
Number of passengers (average number per bus / quad occupancy)  
(45-48):  $555
(40-44):  $585
(35-39):  $625
(30-34):  $675
Parent / Student  Orientation Meeting
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 6:30 PM  in the Student Union
This meeting is to discuss and distribute important information about the tour.  All students and at least one parent/guardian must attend. Final Payments are due at the Meeting        
For more information 

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Select North High School

Senior Newsletter

Cap & Gown Information

Cap & Gown Information

If you missed the deadline to order your cap & gown unit (which includes the tassel that you must wear at the graduation ceremony), please go to to order it right away! The cost will continue to rise. All caps/gowns will be shipped directly to North with the rest of your class. Pick up day will be scheduled for sometime in March. If you order anything in addition, it will be shipped to your home. North will not accept any orders - all orders must be placed through Jostens. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jostens at 1-800-JOSTENS.

Important Senior Dates

Click IMPORTANT SENIOR INFORMATION 2024-2025.pdf for upcoming senior events.
college visits

College Visits

Please check HERE for updated college visits to North High.  Check back often as the list is constantly updating.
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