Willoughby Eastlake Preschool
Parent Resources
Ohio Department of Education, Early learning family resources
Description: Check out the preschool resources section, which contains a variety of topics, some of which include:
-Your child's development: birth to age 5
-Food & nutrition
-Early literacy tips for preschoolers
-Getting involved with your child's learning
-Kindergarten readiness checklist
Website: https://pathways.org
Description: Pathways provides free online resources to ensure your child's development is on track and tools to maximize child development. Check out the information by age link.
Zero to Three
Website: https://www.zerotothree.org
Description: This site contains information ranging from child development (birth to 36 months) to outlining strategies to support early development and learning. Check out the explore our topics and find resources and services tabs. Examples of topics include:
Discipline and limit setting
Language & communication
Brain development
Challenging behaviors
Social skills & play
TACSEI, Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention
URL: http://challengingbehavior.fmhi.usf.edu/do/resources.htm
Description: TACSEI provides free products and resources to improve the social emotional outcomes for children. Check out the families and browse resources tab for useful information, a few of which include:
How to help your child stop whining
How to help your child have a successful morning
How to help your child learn to share
Making life easier: bedtime and nap time
Making life easier: running errands
Reading Rockets
Website: http://www.readingrockets.org
Description: Find resources and activities that promote literacy to help your child become an engaged reader. Check out the resources for parents section for reading tips, children's books & authors, early literacy and many more topics.
Website: http://www.abcya.com
Description: This site provides educational games and apps for children to use under the guidance of their parents. It is FREE to use on PC, however, there is a monthly charge associated with other devices.
ABC Mouse
Website: https://www.abcmouse.com
Description: ABC Mouse helps children learn to read and offers activities across subject areas. There is a monthly charge associated with this site, yet you can sign up for your first month for FREE.
PBS Parents
URL: http://www.pbs.org/parents/
Description: PBS parents offers information about child development, parenting, and games/activities for kids. Check out the education tab for information related to developmental milestones and fun activities for preschool aged children.
Sesame Street
Website: http://www.sesamestreet.org
Description; This website contains free online videos and games. Check out the printables and tool kits.
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)
Website: http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu
Description: CSEFEL focuses on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness for children from birth to five. Check out the parent modules and family tools sections to learn more about children's social emotional development and strategies to address challenging behaviors.
State Support Team 4
Website: http://www.sst4.org
Description: The State Support Team is an organization that provides support in different areas:
Early learning
Family engagement
Special education
This organization also hosts a monthly autism support group for the families of loved ones diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (see family engagement tab).
Sensory Processing Disorder Resource Center
Website: http://www.sensory-processing-disorder.com
Description: This site contains information and activities related to sensory processing and related disorders. It also includes activities to promote the development of fine motor skills. Examples of topics include, but are not limited to:
Sensory diet
Picky eaters
Symptoms checklist
Behavior problems
Heavy work activities
Therapy Street for Kids
Website: http://therapystreetforkids.com
Description: This website provides a resource for parents interested in working on fine motor activities in the home setting. Sample topics include, but are not limited to:
Pre-writing skills
Scissor skills
Eye-hand coordination
Sensory strategies
Self-help skills
Pink Oatmeal
Website: http://www.pinkoatmeal.com
Description: Pink Oatmeal provides information and activities related to child development, play, & movement.
The Inspired Treehouse
Website: http://theinspiredtreehouse.com
Description: This website features child development information. It also has gross motor, fine motor, and sensory processing activities.
Ooey Gooey, Inc.
Website: http://www.ooeygooey.com
Description: The Ooey Gooey website focuses on the importance of play in contributing to school readiness. Check out the resources tab, which contains make and take activities and favorite books links.