Fact Finder

District Closed January 21-22, 2025
Due to dangerously low wind chill temperatures, the district is closed Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Stay safe and warm.

Fact Finder

Fact Finder



PRINCIPAL: Karen Pasquale


35200 Stevens Boulevard, Eastlake, Ohio 44095

OFFICE: 440-975-3720 Y-care: 975-3786

ATTENDANCE LINE: 440-283-4086




Arrival and Dismissal Times:

8:30    Drop off and supervision begins, Safety Patrol and breakfast enter building

8:45    Students enter building

9:00    Classes begin

3:00    School ends

Attendance and Early Dismissal: If your child is absent, please call our Attendance Line at 440-283-4086 and leave a detailed message. If a student must be excused during the day, parents should call or send a note to school. Parents will wait in the office to meet their child, and sign students out. In an effort to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal, no changes to your child’s dismissal plan can be made after 2:30 p.m. 

Bus Passes: Bus passes will be mailed out soon. Please call the Transportation office at 440-975-3736 if you do not receive your bus pass. If you are in need of an alternate stop, please complete the form on the website ASAP.  Please notify our office and Transportation of any changes that occur during the year.

Emergency Information: We use an online student registration/data validation system powered by Powerschool InfoSnap. The system is a secure and green process, which allows the district to verify all student demographic, emergency and medical information for your child prior to the start of the new school year. The system will also allow you to electronically sign the annual emergency form. 


You will receive a no-reply email from Willoughby-Eastlake Schools with instructions on how to access the system for your student. The email will contain a secure link with instructions that will link you directly to your student’s information. You will log into your account, or create an account if you are new to the system. To make the process easier for families with multiple students, you will have the option to copy all generic family information to all other children in your family. All families need to take action and complete these forms as soon as possible after receiving the email. Your child will not be permitted to attend field trips without updated information.  If you do not have access to the Internet, or if you have questions, please contact the office and you can make an appointment to use a school computer to complete the process.

Medications and Clinic: Our clinic is open during the school day and staffed by our part-time school nurse, Mrs. Wenzel, two days a week and part-time health aide three days a week. The school nurse maintains health records for each child. It is your responsibility to report allergies, accidents, severe illnesses, hospital stays, diseases, allergies, etc. If your child is on a prescription or over the counter medication that needs to be dispensed at school, you must complete a form giving authorization to administer medication. These forms are available in the clinic or office. Changes in prescription medication or dosage require a statement from the doctor.

PaySchools Online Lunch and Student Fee Payment System:

Breakfast and lunch are available daily.  We encourage you to utilize PaySchools, an online payment program. PaySchools gives parents the ability to see their child’s cafeteria account balances, add credit, pay fees, and view purchases made in the last 30 days, and set up low balance email reminders at no charge. For more information on how to sign up for this service, please click here. Applications for free/reduced lunch from the 2020-2021 school year are active until September 30, 2021. You MUST fill out a new application to benefit from this program after September 30th. While breakfasts and lunches are free this school year for all students, applying for free/reduced lunch can still save you money on school fees, so please sign up! You can do this online under the “Parents” tab. 


Cafeteria Menus:

Breakfast and Lunch menus can be found here.

PTA: Please join the Longfellow Elementary PTA! Membership forms will be sent home during the first week of school, and will also be available at our events. The PTA is a great way to be involved in your child’s school experience. For more information, please follow us on Facebook. PTA meetings are held the first Thursday of the month at 6:00pm. 

School Communication: Newsletters will be emailed to you and are available on the Longfellow Elementary School website.  Paper copies are only available upon request made to your child’s teacher. To sign-up for our newsletter and to receive other important notifications and information, please go to:  www.weschools.orgGo to the ‘Parents’ tab, click on the ‘School Messenger’ link for step-by-step directions.  There is also a calendar on our website with upcoming school events. Be sure to check our website regularly for updates and information.  You can also follow us on Twitter @LongfellowElem3 or follow our Longfellow Elementary Facebook Page.

Visitors: All visitors must sign in at the main office and get a visitor’s pass. If you are visiting, picking your child up for an early release or from the clinic, you will be asked to present photo identification. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation regarding our school district’s safety procedures.

Weather and Playground: Without a medical note, all children go out for recess if the weather is at least 20 degrees Fahrenheit with the wind-chill factor. Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.

Y-Care: Before and after school childcare is available at Longfellow Elementary through YMCA’s Y-Care program. Learn more here. All children who attend Y-Care MUST pre-register.
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