Longfellow Elementary School is located in Eastlake, Ohio. Eastlake is a city located east of Cleveland. We can be found by taking Route 2 to Route 91. Travel north on Route 91, across Vine Street, to Stevens Boulevard. The school is located on the Southwest corner of Stevens and Route 91.Click here for a map showing our location.
Longfellow Elementary School was named after the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and was originally built in 1928. The school first opened its doors during the 1928-1929 school year. There were several wings added to the building over the years. In the Fall of 2019, the old building was demolished and replaced with a brand new one on the same campus.
Our school mascot is the Mustang and our school colors are green and white.
Our students range from Kindergarten to Grade Five. We also have special services for students with special needs.
We have Kindergarten available at Longfellow. It is an all day everyday program.
The YMCA runs a before and after school program for students called Y-Care.
Our students participate in the DARE program in Fifth Grade and are taught by officers of the Eastlake Police Department. We are proud to say that our school has won several awards including the Safety and Drug-Free Schools award.
The school day begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m.
Breakfast is served starting at 8:30. Students may not enter the building before that time. School begins promptly at 9:00.